Monday, January 21, 2008

श्री राम स्तुति - Salutations to Lord Raama / (9)

नामोऽस्तु रामाय सशक्तिकाय
नीलोत्पलश्यामलकोमलाय ।
सिंहासनस्थाय महाप्रभाय ॥

namostu raamaaya sashaktikaaya

singhaasanasthaaya mahaaprabhaaya

अध्यात्मरामायण, युद्धकाण्ड (15/51)

Help on Sanskrit Words:

nama: salutation
stu: be praised
sashaktikaaya: with the creative energy
neela: blue
utpala: lotus
shyaamala: dark cloud colour
komala: soft
kireeta: diadem
haara: garland
angad: bracelet on the upper arm
Bhooshana: adorning
singhaanastha: sitting on the throne
mahaa: great
prabhaa: light


Salutations and praise be to Lord Raama with His Creative Energy Seetaa. The Lord looks to be having a soft body giving blue lotus like feel and His complexion resembles dark clouds. The Lord is wearing a diadem, a garland and upper arm bracelets and as the Lord is seated on His throne with Seeta, His presence is exuding supreme glow.

Monday, January 14, 2008

श्री राम स्तुति - Salutations to Lord Raama / (8)

समासीनमङके समाधाय सीताम ।

स्फुरद्धेमवर्णां तडित्पुञ्जभासं
भजे रामचंद्रं निवृत्तार्तितंद्र्म ॥


samaaseenamanke samaadhaaya seetaam

sphuraddhemavarnaam taditpunjabhaasam

bhaje raamachandram nivrittartitandram

अध्यात्मरामायण, युद्धकाण्ड (13/32)

Help on Sanskrit Words:

lasa: shine
chandra: moon
koti: crore, many (figurative)
prakaasha: light
aaadi: point of beginning
peetha: place of sitting, throne
samaaseena: sitting at the same level
anka: side of the body, near the heart
samaadhaaya: settled near
sphura: shine forth
hema: gold
varna: complexion
tadita: lightening
punja: in multitude but grouped together
bhaasa: to appear as or like
bhaja: to revere
nivritta: to disengage
aarta: in sorrow
tandra: sleepiness, forgetfulness


The Lord Rama is sitting on the throne that is shining like a multitude of moons, and, which is, as if the beginning point of this creation, and the Lord is having His Creative Energy Seeta sitting closely beside Him. Sitting beside the Lord, Seeta, because of her golden complexion, looks as if a number of lightening streaks have got together, and, I offer my reverence to that Lord Rama Who by such a wonderful display of His glorious vision as described above dispels sorrow and eliminates sufferings of the people who have forgotten their true nature.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

श्री राम स्तुति - Salutations to Lord Raama / (7)

मायातीतं माधवमाद्यं जगदादिं
मानातीतं मोहविनाशम मुनिवन्द्यम ।
योगिध्येयं योगविधानं परिपूर्णं
वन्दे रामं रञ्जितलोकं रमणीयं ॥

maayaateetam maadhavmaadyam jagdaadim
maanaateetam mohvinaasham munivandyam

yogeedhyeyam yogavidhaanam parimoornam
vande raamam ranjitlokam ramneeyam

अध्यात्मरामायण, युद्धकाण्ड (13/12)

Help on Sanskrit Words:

maayaateetam: beyond maayaa
maadhava: consort of laxmi
aadyam: chief, first, anscient
jagat: world
aadi: beginning
maayaa: the power that makes world appear as real
maanaateetam: beyond the means of proof
moha: delusion of mind making one believe the world to be real, attachment
vinaash: destruction
muni: sage
vandya: venerable
dhyeyam: objective
vidhaana: precept
paripoornam: complete in all respects
vande: pay respect to (you)
ranjit: delighted
lokam: world
ramaneeya: charming


I salute to the charming Lord Raama Whose presence makes the world filled with delight, and, the One Who is beyond the play of Maayaa, Who is the consort of Laxmi, Who is the first among all, in Whom the world has its beginning, the One Who is beyond the measures of proof, the One Who destroys one's delusion or attachement to the world, the One who is venerated by the sages, the One Who is the object of the penances performed by the ascetics, the One Who is the preceptor of the Yoga and the One Who is complete in all respects.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

श्री राम स्तुति - Salutations to Lord Raama / (6)

प्रकृतिं पुरुषं कालं व्यक्ताव्यक्तस्वरूपिणम ।
यं जानन्ति मुनिश्रेष्ठास्तस्मै रामाय ते नमः ॥

prakritim purushham kaalam vyaktaavyaktswaroopinam
yam jaananti munishreshhthaastasmai raamaaya te namah

अध्यात्मरामायण, युद्धकाण्ड (8/39)

Help on Sanskrit Words:

prakriti: natutre, fundamental form
purushh: brahaman, supreme spirit, universal soul
kaalah: time
vyakta: manifest
avyakta: unmanifest
swaroop: one's own self/form
yam: to whom
jananti: know
munih: sage
shreshhtha: most excellent, highest, superior
namah: pay obeisance to


To Him Who is recognized or known as One and the Same as the Nature (or the Fundamental Form or The Inanimate) and the Universal Soul, and also, the Time with the Manifest and Unmanifest Universe, Whom the highest of the sages only know as being such, let there be obeisances to That Raama, the very embodiment of the Brahman.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

श्री राम स्तुति - Salutations to Lord Raama / (5)

उन्मीलयन सृजस्येतन्नेत्रे राम जगत्त्रयम ।
उपसंह्रियते सर्वं त्वया चक्षुर्निमीलनात ॥

unmeelayan srijasyetannetre raama jagattrayam
upsanghriyate sarvam tvayaa chakshurnimeelanaat

अध्यात्मरामायण, युद्धकाण्ड (8/37)

Help on Sanskrit Words

unmeelanam: opening of eyes
srijasye: gets created
tannetre: your eyes
jagat: world
trayam: three
upsanghriyate: gets destroyed, dissolved
sarvam: all that is
tvaya: three
chakshu: eye
nimeelanaat: closing of


O Raama, the three Worlds get created by the very act of opening of Your eyes. And then the entire creation gets dissolved into nonexistence when You close Your eyes.

(This is very deep in thought and import. Raama, here, is being described as being the very epitome of Supreme Brahman, the One Whose awareness of the Self, when as if being outwardly, the visible world comes into existence, and when as if being inwardly, the same world dissolves...! Oh Lord how interesting is this expression of Yours. The world is neither real nor unreal...! Such is its nature!)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

श्री राम स्तुति - Salutations to Lord Raama / (4)

न याचे राम राजेन्द्र सुखं विषयसम्भवम ।
त्वत्पादकमले सक्ता भक्तिरेव सदास्तु मे ॥

na yaache raama raajendra sukham vishhayasambhavam
tvatpaadakamale saktaa bhaktireva sadaastu mei

अध्यात्मरामायण, युद्धकाण्ड (3/37)

Help on Sanskrit Words:

na: Not
yaache: Ask for
raajendra: The king of the kings
sukham: pleasure, well being
vishhaya: senses
sambhavam: happening (through/by), possible
tvat: yours
paada: feet
kamala: lotus flower
saktaa: attached to
bhaktireva: devotion like that
sadaa: forever
astu: let it be
mei: for me


O Raama, the Lord of the lords, I do not ask You to grant me any worldly pleasures that are enjoyed through the senses. I rather ask You to grant me everlasting devotion in You such that I always keep Your lotus feet deep in my heart.