Saturday, January 5, 2008

श्री राम स्तुति - Salutations to Lord Raama / (5)

उन्मीलयन सृजस्येतन्नेत्रे राम जगत्त्रयम ।
उपसंह्रियते सर्वं त्वया चक्षुर्निमीलनात ॥

unmeelayan srijasyetannetre raama jagattrayam
upsanghriyate sarvam tvayaa chakshurnimeelanaat

अध्यात्मरामायण, युद्धकाण्ड (8/37)

Help on Sanskrit Words

unmeelanam: opening of eyes
srijasye: gets created
tannetre: your eyes
jagat: world
trayam: three
upsanghriyate: gets destroyed, dissolved
sarvam: all that is
tvaya: three
chakshu: eye
nimeelanaat: closing of


O Raama, the three Worlds get created by the very act of opening of Your eyes. And then the entire creation gets dissolved into nonexistence when You close Your eyes.

(This is very deep in thought and import. Raama, here, is being described as being the very epitome of Supreme Brahman, the One Whose awareness of the Self, when as if being outwardly, the visible world comes into existence, and when as if being inwardly, the same world dissolves...! Oh Lord how interesting is this expression of Yours. The world is neither real nor unreal...! Such is its nature!)

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